Welcome to OpenGraphy.

cd OpenGraphy


Web Development Agency

Do you need a website or an app?

Our developers have successfully led 250+ web development projects.

Web Development Services

Your websites and apps are your first company asset.

Our 5 senior developers have been developing responsive websites and complex applications since 2008.

As an agency, we offer the following web development services : Website creation, web hosting, maintenance, debugging and security

Frontend Developers

Responsive, fast, & beautiful UX. We craft frontend interfaces optimized for traffic & lead generation as well as for great SEO rankings. Our frontend developers located in Brussels combine the art of design with the art of programming and they master the following languages and frontend technologies:

  • WordPress
  • React
  • Vue
  • Angular
  • Static HTML
Backend Developers

We start from your data and we choose the right technology to actionate it at large scale. Data should never be a problem, their management and security neither. Our backend developers enjoy working with the following programming languages and backend technologies:

  • PHP
  • NodeJS
  • MySQL
  • MongoDB
  • ElasticSearch

Website, application & software development of all kinds

E-Commerce websites, WordPress themes & plugins, Video platforms, Corporate sites...

Our Web development services range from developing the simplest static single page of plain text to the most complex web-based internet applications.

Native Marketing Optimizations

Our agency is aware of all the market development requirements to natively optimize your upcoming marketing performance. Our developers always make sure that the end product they build is :
Responsive :

To ensure your customers are reached with mobile-friendly content on any device, responsive web design is a native piece of any development strategy our agency operates.

Fast :

Google is placing a stronger weight on the customer experience with page load speed as part of their mobile-first strategy. The faster your website loads, the better your content ranks.

Understandable :

For an enhanced search and social media display, we always integrate the latest micro formats from Google and Facebook Open Graph.

Back-Office Development

Your back-office is the lifeblood of your enterprise.

You need custom dashboards to gather all your business KPIs in one place. We use powerful infrastructures and data visualization technologies to help you monitor and actionate all your data.

WordPress Plugin development

Custom features and WordPress plugin development services.

Our development agency builds small software apps that integrate and run on top of any WordPress instance: YouTube WordPress Importers, RSS feed Importer, etc.


Cloud Computing Infrastructure Development

Move at the Speed of Your Customers with Amazon Web Services

Start-ups like Resto.be, marton.fr and Graphystories.com run their infrastructure in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud. They’ve been able to grow and innovate quickly, and have changed the world by leveraging cloud computing technologies.

OpenGraphy offers the cloud computing infrastructure and services you need to increase business competitiveness and create the best customer experience. With virtually unlimited compute, storage, databases, analytics, conversational interfaces, AR/VR, and machine learning and AI resources, OpenGraphy enables you to build, deploy, and manage software solutions in minutes.

Our Agency Providers

Since 2008, our digital agency has been catching the opportunities brought by the evolution of the following search engines, social networks, content management systems and programming languages.

facebook TwitterInc LinkedIn InstagramEnglish Google fiware amazonwebservices nodejsfoundation vuejs.org WordPress Waze